
TOEFL Essay - Living at a Slower Pace

Let's take it slow.


Sample Essay - TOEFL Independent Writing Task

Below is a sample "super" essay for the independent writing task of the TOEFL.  This is meant to be a model essay; it may be far more advanced than most test-takers can achieve within the 30-minute time limit to write, but you can study the vocabulary, sentence structure, and argument flow to improve your own essays.  


Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done.  Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace.  Which do you prefer?  Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


Word count: 466 words

There are several people in my life who lead very active lives, dashing off from place to place and juggling many different tasks. While some of them appear to delight in all the hustle and bustle, others appear to be quite burned out. I for one have never taken joy in hastily going from one activity to another. I strongly prefer to live life at a slower pace.

One of the main reasons why I like to live at a more unhurried speed is because that way I can really savor each moment. I have a flower garden in my back yard and I love to take my time mixing compost into the soil, pruning damaged branches, and watering the flowers. I also simply enjoy examining the beautiful petals of the flowers. When I do all these things, I feel very grounded in the present moment. I also feel this deep satisfaction when I stroll along a beach or in a forest. I cherish being able to fully absorb the sights and sounds of nature during such walks.

In addition to enjoying the present moment, I also appreciate how slowing down gives me time to reflect on my past and future, as well as to ponder other ideas. I can relive wonderful memories and learn lessons from less pleasant ones. Taking time out to contemplate past mistakes helps me make better choices in the future. I can’t achieve these gains so well if I am in a rush. I also like to let my imagination run wild with ideas and scenarios that I know will never come to pass in real life. During these reveries I can also generate creative ideas that I can actually act upon in the future. I know that I am most capable of developing innovative solutions to problems at work when I have precious idle time.

So far I have emphasized the mental health benefits of living at a more moderate pace, but there are many physical health benefits too. Scientific studies have shown that the stress of fast-paced living can increase one’s risk of having a heart attack or stroke, and lead to increased vulnerability to many infections. I used to work 13-hour workdays at a factory 6 days a week, which was a very stressful experience. My blood-pressure had skyrocketed, and I had early warning symptoms of diabetes. After I quit my job there and began my university studies, I was able to reduce my blood pressure and restore my health through having a more relaxed daily routine and caring for my potted plants.

In short, I very much prefer to live at a slower pace. Doing so has numerous advantages for my mental and physical well-being that I have learned from my personal experience and from rigorous scholarship.

(c) 2017 by Diacorda Amosapa

hastily - adv. quickly, too quickly (adj. - hasty)
~ “We’re late!” she said, as she hastily put her jacket on.
~ Jake hastily typed notes as several team members made suggestions.

savor - v.  to enjoy fully every moment of an experience
~ She really savored the taste of the sauce.
~ I savored every minute of that movie.  It was so enjoyable to watch!

cherish - v. to love a lot, to value intensely
~ I cherish the time I spend playing with my 3 year-old daughter.
~ I will always cherish the memories I have of us learning together.

ponder - v. think about
~ She pondered whether to wash the dishes or clean her room first.
~ He looked out the window as he pondered over what topic to research for his school report.

vulnerability n. ability to be hurt
~ There were many vulnerabilities in the coding that the programmers needed to fix.
~ The singer’s fans love the vulnerability expressed in the words of his songs.



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~ Dia, Certified English Tutor and Editor 
