
TOEFL Essay - Living in the Fast Lane

Hurry up, let's go!


Sample Essay - TOEFL Independent Writing Task

Below is a sample "super" essay for the independent writing task of the TOEFL.  This is meant to be a model essay; it may be far more advanced than most test-takers can achieve within the 30-minute time limit to write, but you can study the vocabulary, sentence structure, and argument flow to improve your own essays.  


Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done.  Other people prefer to take their time and live life at a slower pace.  Which do you prefer?  Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.


Word count: 472 words

Today we live in a world in which so much is done at an accelerated pace. Market competition puts pressure on everyone in the workplace to deliver results to customers as quickly as possible. Trying to keep up with current events around the globe, or even just trying to stay on top of what friends and family are doing as they post updates on social media, requires scrolling through feeds at breakneck speed. I know that for many people this rapid tempo of life is very stressful. I, however, relish in it and I’m glad to be able to live a hurried life during a time in human history that has so much to offer.

One main reason why I prefer living life in the fast lane is because I can get easily bored. I grew up in a large city with numerous opportunities for fun and learning. My parents diligently ensured that my mind was preoccupied by signing me up for many activities after school. I played basketball, took violin lessons, and wrote for the school newspaper. My family and I also frequently went to the nearby art and science museums. In contrast, one summer we stayed with one of my aunts, who lived in the countryside, for a week. While the first day of exploring the forested area around her house was fun, there were no other children there. I had no one to play with. The pace of life there was very slow. My parents and aunt would just sit on the porch all day and chat. I soon became very bored. This experience helped me to understand that I need more stimulation to be happy.

Another reason why I prefer living a high-velocity lifestyle is that doing so makes me feel much more productive. When things are moving at a sluggish pace, I feel like I am not accomplishing anything. Instead I want to spend my waking hours improving the world in some way and take pleasure in the process of doing so. In addition to all the other activities my parents arranged for me when I was younger, I also did volunteer work. I helped build houses for low-income people through the Habitat for Humanity program, and tutored other classmates who were struggling with math and science. More recently I have been volunteering as an administrative assistant at my local homeless shelter and coaching a children’s basketball team. Keeping my schedule regularly busy with such activities makes my life meaningful.

In conclusion I thrive off of the hurried life that I live and wouldn’t have it any other way. I understand that other people are happier when they go about their days according to a slower rhythm, and that’s fine by me. The preference I have for my own life is to follow a more energetic routine.

(c) 2017 by Diacorda Amosapa

accelerated - adj, v. going faster and faster  (v. - accelerate)
~ We have accelerated shirt production to meet the increased demand.
~ My daughter is so good with numbers that she is now in the accelerated math program at school.

relish - v. to enjoy a lot
~ I relish a good love story!
~ She really relishes spending time with her cousins.

preoccupied - adj. when you totally think about one thing  (v. - preoccupy)
~ He is too preoccupied with his clothes and needs to study more.
~ Right now she is preoccupied with packing for her vacation.
preoccupied with preparing for his vacation.

stimulation - n. cause of excitement, source of increased activity (v. - stimulate)
~ These toys provide a lot of healthy stimulation for children.
~ The new policy was designed to encourage economic stimulation.

sluggish - adj. slow, low energy
~ The internet connection is not good here, so my phone is acting sluggish.
~ We had to drive at a very sluggish pace because there were so many cars on the road.


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~ Dia, Certified English Tutor and Editor