
TOEFL Essay - Classroom Attendance

Should class attendance be required? - Yes!


Sample Essay - TOEFL Independent Writing Task

Below is a sample "super" essay for the independent writing task of the TOEFL.  This is meant to be a model essay; it may be far more advanced than most test-takers can achieve within the 30-minute time limit to write, but you can study the vocabulary, sentence structure, and argument flow to improve your own essays.  


Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students.  Which point of view do you agree with?  Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.


Word count: 346 words

Whether to make class attendance required for university students is an important yet thorny policy question.  Many benefits for students are associated with consistent class attendance, though many people, especially students, might insist on making attendance optional so that they can pursue other interests, study for other courses, or fulfill some other responsibilities.  Nonetheless, I think that overall the benefits of attendance far outweigh the drawbacks and thus going to class should be compulsory.

Being in class can enrich one’s learning experience in many ways that cannot be done alone.   The professor can cover concepts and provide additional examples and applications of course material that are not found in a textbook.  Not only is the professor a teacher, but so are other students. Students’ questions and discussions can yield new insights that strengthen understanding and memory of the material for future exams and ultimately for application in the workplace.

Attending and participating in class can also grow another vital asset in the workplace: communication skills. I have often seen it reported that businesses and other organizations rate good communication skills as one of the most important qualifications that they desire their employees to have.  By attending class, listening attentively to the professor and other students, speaking up during class, and articulating questions and comments about the material, students have a great opportunity to improve their communication skills.

Through exercising one’s communication skills right before, during, and directly after class, a student can engage in another valuable activity: networking.  Making attendance mandatory can increase the possibility of students to develop positive relationships with the professor, who may then become a mentor.  Students may also get more leads for job opportunities and useful advice from other students.  Connections made in the classroom can expand beyond the classroom, helping students to better bridge their formal education experience with their career goals.

So I think it is abundantly clear that making attendance required has numerous benefits for students. Such a policy can help improve students’ academic performance, enhance their communication skills, and provide crucial networking opportunities for work and life.

(c) 2017 by Diacorda Amosapa

thorny - adj. difficult, controversial
~ How parents should monitor their children’s use of social media is a very thorny issue
~ Balancing patient privacy with advancing medical research is a thorny problem for health professionals.

compulsory, mandatory - adj. necessary, required
~ It is mandatory for job applicants to fill out the form.
~ The new law makes it compulsory for restaurants to recycle all metal and plastic waste.

vital - adj. very important; necessary for life
~ She has played a vital role in our organization’s success.
~ Tourism is a vital part of the country’s economy.

abundantly - adv. a lot, in a huge amount (adj. - abundant)
~ The little girl made it abundantly clear through the expression on her face that she did not like the taste of the sauce.
~ This type of tree grows abundantly across the United States.


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~ Dia, Certified English Tutor and Editor