
TOEFL Essay - Children and the Countryside

From tots to teens, let nature be a guide.


Sample Essay - TOEFL Independent Writing Task

Below is a sample "super" essay for the independent writing task of the TOEFL.  This is meant to be a model essay; it may be far more advanced than most test-takers can achieve within the 30-minute time limit to write, but you can study the vocabulary, sentence structure, and argument flow to improve your own essays.  


It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city.  Do you agree or disagree?  Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


Word count: 386 words

It’s important that children are raised in a high-quality environment. Parents must make difficult decisions about where they will live so that their children have a good upbringing. In choosing between the countryside or a big city, I think that overall the countryside offers more benefits to children that will help them become healthier, responsible, and caring adults.

One of the greatest advantages to living in a rural area is the fresh air. Just being able to breathe clean air is a major part of protecting children’s health. Cities typically have much more polluted air, due to the exhaust from all the vehicles and the toxic smoke from factories. This air pollution can cause children to get asthma and increase their risk of having lung cancer, heart disease, or a stroke when they become adults. Living in the countryside can reduce these risks.

Another tremendous benefit to growing up in the countryside is that children will have more opportunities to become familiar with and appreciate nature. Children can run around in fields, climb trees, swim in a lake, and watch insects and animals in their natural habitats. Parents can share knowledge about the natural world to their children during playtime. Children can learn about how important it is to protect forests, endangered species, clean water resources, and much more. Such life lessons can help children become more responsible consumers and support government policies that protect the environment.

One other valuable aspect of growing up in a rural area is the greater opportunity it provides for children to develop deeper relationships with other people. In a city setting, children might meet a lot of people, but only have superficial interactions with them. In a rural setting, there are fewer people nearby, and that can help children to cultivate stronger connections over time with friends their age and even with adult mentors in the community. This can help the children gain more mature communication skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

In summary, there are some crucial medical, educational, and social reasons for raising children in the countryside. When I eventually decide to have children of my own, I will make a concerted effort to first move to a rural area with a nice community so that my children can grow up in such a nurturing environment.

(c) 2017 by Diacorda Amosapa

upbringing - n. the environment in which and way that a person was raised/taught by parents and other adults as a child
~ "Camping was an important part of my upbringing,” he said.
~ Though her father is very famous, she said that she had a normal upbringing.

tremendous - adj. very big, very great
~ We’ve made tremendous progress on the project this week.
~ He has made a tremendous contribution to language education.

superficial - adj. only on the surface, shallow, not deep
~ While at first the words in the song may seem superficial, they actually express a deep message.
~ “One part of the music business that feels superficial to me are talking about myself a lot in interviews and posing for pictures,” the singer said.

cultivate - v. grow, develop
~ We want to cultivate all of our students’ math skills.
~ They plan to cultivate more flowers.

crucial - adj. very important
~ She played a crucial role in improving our organization.
~ Protecting fresh water sources is a crucial issue around the world.


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~ Dia, Certified English Tutor and Editor